We are busy people, which means that fitting in time for things that make us feel beautiful can be challenging. As a new mom and an entrepreneur, I need an easy but effective beauty routine! Luckily, I have been surrounded by people who have taught me what it takes, and I’ve taken my favorite lessons and turned them into a guide for modern day beauty.
Eat for glowing skin
There is a reason for the saying “you are what you eat.” The more good nutrition you put into your body, the better your skin, which means less time spent on your beauty routine, and the more confidence you will have!
For healthy glowing skin follow these simple tips:
- Hydrate! This means lots of water. I drink 2 liters per day and sometimes add healthy choices like coconut water, tea, or pressed juices. I do love coffee, but I try to limit myself to one cup per day since it can dehydrate you, which has been linked to skin inflammation and premature aging. Also, try limiting the amount of alcohol you drink and completely remove any processed sugar beverages (like soda or energy drinks).
- Eat your colors. I became even more conscious of this when I became a mom and I started feeding my son more than just breast milk. I try to get at least a handful of fruits and cruciferous vegetables every day. Apples, blueberries, broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, or cauliflower are all excellent sources.
- Be sure to take your vitamins! I especially love A and C, which have been shown to reduce inflammation and encourage cell turnover. Foods such as butternut squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, kiwi, or cantaloupe are excellent sources. Did you know that one kiwi has 100% of your vitamin C daily needs?
- Omega-3 fatty acids are mandatory to help increase collagen levels and firm the skin! Staples include avocado, chia/flax seeds, walnuts or salmon.
- Lean protein is your best friend. Getting enough can help stabilize your blood sugar, combat insulin spikes, decrease inflammation, and increase collagen. The amount you need depends on your body type, specifically your height and weight, so consult with a nutrition coach for more information.
Be a bad consumer
Raise your hand if you have run into Target within the last week intending to buy one item and then ran out with 40? We are all guilty of it! And who can blame us? After all, we are consumers! And when we make impulse purchases, we are good consumers. But we are also allowing the big companies to have all the power. What if you took the power back and became a bad consumer?
Here are few ways you can do this:
Consider the time you have to get ready
Don’t buy 20 products if you know you will only use 5. I literally have less than 10 minutes to get ready in the mornings. I can’t worry about using fancy brushes or complicated techniques. My beauty routine has to be stupid simple. It has taken me a while, but I have found what works for me, and it has really saved me time.
Less is more, so invest in basics
For me, that is foundation, mascara, blush and lipstick. As long as I am investing in the right basics, this quick routine doesn’t mean I am sacrificing beauty. Bobbi Brown once said, “If I had to teach someone just one thing about lip color it would be this: Find a lipstick that looks good on your face when you are wearing absolutely no makeup.” Great advice, Bobbi!
Leave a good footprint
Sustainability has become a buzz word, and if you are like me you might be confused by what it really means. Most companies participate in “sustainability” or claim to be “organic,” but how can we be so sure? Many companies rely on our ignorance and sexy marketing to lure us into buying things which aren’t necessarily good for us.
As a busy mom, I know I need quick solutions, but I also want to make sure I am leaving a good footprint, not only because my skin deserves it, but also because the earth does too.
One way you can become greener with your beauty routine is to educate yourself or find someone who can help you. I am blessed to have met the amazing skincare guru, Adina Diaz. She is owner of the Natural Feeling Spa in West Hollywood and has become my go-to lady boss for understanding what products are good for me, my skin, my baby, and the environment. I was amazed to learn that so many natural fruits and spices have what you need and are cost effective too.
Focus inward
How often do you slow down and really spend time with yourself? And yes, this means without any distractions! Slowing down is important for gaining perspective & energy, which leads to feeling more confident and beautiful. When you are depleted and tired, you are not able to feel your best.
About 6 months ago, my husband and I decided to start a new routine. We woke up an hour earlier each day in order to devote time to ourselves. Our routine included breathing and meditation, walking around the block, self-development videos, and positive affirmations to each another. It was amazing to see how this improved our day and our relationship.
An hour might seem like a lot, but you can start with 5 minutes a day. Either wake up earlier or spend time right before bed. Read a chapter in a book you’ve been putting off, do a fitness video, meditate, or just breathe. Soon you will see the benefits and start devoting more time and eventually an hour will seem like nothing!
Look outward
In a world of selfies and insta-stories, we are becoming obsessed with ourselves! All this worry about how we look takes away our focus from the people or things in our life that really matter. What if we spent less time judging ourselves and dedicated more time looking outward?
When we are caught up in our busy lives it is easy to forget to do simple things that can make others happy and in turn make you feel more beautiful. Here are some small things you can do to incorporate outward looking in your life:
- Smile at everyone you meet.
- Do something for someone without expecting anything in return.
- Invest in a cause that makes you feel good. (You know, from the money you saved by being a bad consumer)
- Call a friend who is your “sunshine” and will lift your spirits.
When looking outward, be sure to take a close look at your circle of friends. Jim Rohn said “you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” We can easily get caught up with what isn’t important if we are around people who obsess over these things. Be sure to spend time with others who have the same mindset as you and will be there to lift you up!
I hope you have enjoyed my guide to modern day beauty. What would you add?
Edited by MITH Magazine’s Editor-in-Chief Holly Glasser @hollyglasser (Instagram)
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