Feeric Fashion Week
By Deni Denisee
The tenth anniversary of Feeric Fashion Week was a real success with designers from all around the world and very diversified locations. Feeric Fashion Week is the biggest Fashion Week in Eastern Europe, located in the mountains of Transylvania, Sibiu. This year, the guest list was quite large, with important buyers, journalists, photographers and magazines from all around the world.
The difference between this fashion week and the rest are definitely the locations: museums, castles, wine cellar, zoo, woods and train depot, where the models walked for more than 40 designers. Behind this big event is the president Mitichi Preda, who choose the locations based on the designers’ collections.
The New Talents from UAD University from Cluj-Napoca got attention for the international buyers. The one that opened the series was Evelyn Lorincz, with “Notorious,” a collection that is defined by elegance, art, and glitter. Ana Barbosu continued the series with a collection for the whole new generation, including army influences and pastel shades. Maria Catalina Culda presented her work whose key points were digital continuity and digital printing. Then Sorana Oltean, inspired by the hip-hop culture, brought her collection to mark the attitude. Diana Dobrescu closed the show, whose concept was based on “the month in the last square meter.”
The stone career from Turnu Rosu became a podium for designers supported and promoted by The Secret Code of Fashion Agency, an international platform initiated by Myra Postolache, a specialist in public relations and brand strategy, based in Milan. The fashion show that took place in the stone quarry at the foot of the mountains was marked with light, red, pale pink or light yellow shades, worn by both female and male mannequins from the designers Boryana Petrova, Andrada Bodea, Amy Louise Penny, Jagoda Bartczak, 8IGBCOMMUNITYCLOTHING, Roses of The Queens Dogs, and Mimikra.
The love story of Charles & Ron was included into the “Amare Argentum” collection, an inspirational collection of Maltese culture. The two designers celebrate 25 years since they met and became a couple. “This collection is meant to inspire customers, to be part of our love story and to love the Mediterranean style and Malta, the country where our fashion house is,” said the two designers.
The presentation of Cylia Dorra took place in the courtyard of the Brukenthal palace in Avrig, where the models featured the Lebanese designer’s dresses, made of tulle and other fine materials.
The precious dresses from Bardash continued the Feeric Fashion Week, with natural materials, French embroidery and couture making techniques, reproduced in the “Esemplare” collection.
For the gala of Feeric Fashion Week Andreea Ciungan presented “Reborn,” a collection inspired by the fusion of masculine and feminine style.
“It was a wonderful edition and I’m glad we lived it together! Every year, we try to overcome our limits and put our designers in the spotlight in different spectacular locations. We also launched a concept: Feeric Family. We are a family. At the end of September, we’re going to the fashion week in the world, just to bring people to Feeric Fashion Week in Sibiu. That’s how we got to the tenth edition. “I’ll see you next year,” said Mitichi at the end of the gala, the initiator and president of Feeric Fashion Week. Maybe the next year we will #feelfeeric again.
Photos by Ancira Adeon (Instagram: @anciraadeaon)
As seen above:
http://instagram.com/andreeaciungan @andreeaciungan
Diana Dobrescu- no instagram
Sorana Oltean- no instagram
http://instagram.com/catalinaculda @catalinaculda
Ana Barbosu- no instagram
Evelyn Lorincz- no instagram
http://instagram.com/tenuedesaf (bardash) @tenuedesaf
http://instagram.com/irinadutuzgaia @irinadutuzgaia
http://instagram.com/paulitaerrazuriz.design @paulitaerrazuriz.design
http://instagram.com/cyliadorra @cyliadorra
http://instagram.com/charlesandron @charlesandron
(Group photo) -> http://instagram.com/derekwarburton @derekwarburton , http://instagram.com/mitichifeeric @mitichifeeric , http://instagram.com/cosminapasarin @cosminapasarin
http://instagram.com/bartczakjagoda @bartczakjagoda
http://instagram.com/boryanapetrovaofficial @boryanapetrovaofficial
http://instagram.com/amylouisepenny @amylouisepenny
http://instagram.com/andradabodea @andradabodea
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